"La perfección se consigue no cuando no hay más que añadir, sino cuando no hay nada más que quitar"
Dime en que puedo ayudarte .

Live Virtual and In-person official Scrum.org training. I'm a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) with Scrum.org, the Home of Scrum, that was founded by Scrum co-creator Ken Schwaber.
Scrum.org provides Professional Scrum training classes and issues very sought after and universally recognized Scrum certifications.

Practicing agility in the real world is the key to providing a customized service and delivering more value to our customers.

Official Prokanban.org training classes
As a PKT (Professional Kanban Trainer), I am authorized to deliver official Prokanban.org courses on Kanban strategies for managing the flow of value in the product development process.
Prokanban.org is the world's leading organization for training and certification in Kanban strategy.
For more information and the course schedule: prokanban.org
Per ulteriori informazioni e calendario del corsi: prokanban.org

Los cursos Scrum.org de Scrummy
¿Porque le gustamos?

Cosimo / Software Engineer
Awesome course!
I really liked this course. Stefano (the trainer) was very friendly but also very prepared and professional. I was never bored during the whole course since it was very interactive. I really recommend the corse (and Stefano as well)!

Sera / Software Engineer
volevo ringraziarti per il corso che abbiamo seguito lunedì e martedì, il corso è stato stato fondamentale.
Volevo anche informati che ho superato la certificazione con il 95% al primo tentativo :) e anche gli altri hanno superato la certificazione :)
Spero di avere l'opportunità di seguire altri corsi con te :)

Andrea, Product Specialist
Cannot recommend enough!
I loved the course overall. I had the opportunity to have explanations and practical hints that will help me and my team to improve. Loved the Q&A part where Stefano took the necessary time to go deeper into some